Sunday, 19 June 2011

Helen Saunders

Saunders uses photoshop to manipulate her images to make a boring normal world look so much more interesting and powerful. Within the talk she showed us images she had produced of actual places but made to look eary and dark.
I love this image that is from Saunder's set called "constructed cities - digital photographic collage".
Saunders uses photoshop to create these amazing images. She uses different layers and takes alot of images and then groups them together using layers. In this image she shot the fence,the bridge and the far distance of the houses and then layered them together. I think the image works so well because there are alot of shapes involved within it. The fence also frames the image perfectly and gives the image a urban feel.

Saunders showed us work she had done comissioned, I didnt like it along with my peers we thought the images were too maipulated and obvious that they were. For example the image bellow is too busy and got too much going on within it which is too much for me to look at.

I didnt enjoy this talk as much as I have done with alot of the other guest speakers and I didnt come out of it feeling inspired at all.

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