Friday, 17 September 2010

I found a group on flickr which just shows images of coffee cups.. These images made me think about what sort of shots I would use in my images.

I like this image because its interesting with the additional props that have been used in the image also  the image could either be staged or candid. The photographer has also used brushes on photoshop to make the images more interesting... I think i will do something along these lines in my images.


I like this image because its minimalistic. The doodles on the cup make it stand out alot more than if it was a plain coffee cup.

I like this image because of the colours that the photographer has used in them. Also from the first look the coffee cup looks like a paint tin because it seems larger than a regular coffee cup. I also like the way the image has been polarioded and framed

I like this image because it shows the Mcdonalds coffee cup placed in an interesting possition.
I think I will try something like this in my own images.

I like this image because it has running themes within it. The coffee cup has christmas colors and pictures on it and it looks interesting because of the snow and christmas tree in it.

I love this image because of the repetedness that has been used in the image e.g:- the circles of the bench and the lines of the seat... the image focuses alot on shapes. The coffee cup looks very small compared to the bench.

Advertising research

The paper cup company
The paper cup company sells a range of different paper cups for different drinks 
such as Hot drinks, Beer, Smoothies and milkshakes.
shaken 16 and 20oz low rez.jpg

They sell paper cups to buisneses such as Shake out
the popular milkshake & Smoothie bar. Also they sell them
to people having parties/weddings etc..

They also sell accessories such as cup holders,straws,sleeves for the cup to go in.

They sell green cups that are enviromentally friendly which is a part of the save a cup campain which was established by foodservice and plastic industries and was set up to collect and recycle used plastic cups and has now been exrended to collect cans,plastic and paper cups.

green cup low rez.jpg

Huhmaki History

Huhtamaki is a  company, which manufactures and supplies packaging containers for foods and other consumer goods.The company was established as a supplier of packaging in 1920 and grew in size over the years, eventually becoming an industrial company with such diverse product lines as ladies' clothing and electronic components.  Today Huhtamäki is solely focused on the packaging sector with around 15,000 employees in over 30 countries.

Initial Ideas

Capture a Cup
1. Show a sequence of someone making a cup of tea/coffee
2. Show someone drinking out of the cup
3. Plastic party cups..decorate the background of the image
4. Drinks on the go - show a busy scene with the cup involved in the image.
5. Drink with lunch
5. Try to add comedy in the images
6. Stack the cups in interesting positions 
7. Spell words with the cups
8. Use the same cup but put different liquids in it.

Thursday, 16 September 2010

Intorduction - capture a cup

For this two day assignment I will be taking images of paper cups for the Huhtamaki foodpacking company. This assignment is a competition celebrating the 90th anniversary of Huhtamaki.
Using the paper cups I must come up with interesting images to advertise the food packing company.
The types of shots I have thought about using are Location,Minimalistic,Cups being used and on the go shots etc..
I will research how other company's have advertised hot drinks such as Costa Cofee, Starbucks etc...
I will document all of my research and working progress within this blog.